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Dentures – Westhampton, NY

Solutions for Missing Multiple Teeth

man smiling with dentures in Westhampton

Tooth loss can be a frustrating and discouraging experience, and if you’ve gone through it multiple times, you probably already know how challenging it can be to live without a full set of teeth. It can not only affect your confidence but also impede your ability to eat and talk clearly. Fortunately, here at Beach Dental, we can help you feel great about your smile again with custom dentures in Westhampton. If you would like to explore your denture options, feel free to contact us and schedule a consultation!

Why Choose Beach Dental for Dentures?

  • Over 20 Years of Clinical Experience and Training
  • Implant Placement and Restoration Available
  • Customized Treatment Plan for Every Patient

Who is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

patient who is a good candidate for dentures in Westhampton

Other tooth replacement options have certain requirements. For instance to receive a dental bridge, your missing teeth must have at least one healthy tooth on either side of the gap. In contrast, dentures can be used basically for anyone who is missing multiple teeth, regardless of where they are located in an arch. Before creating your dentures, however, we will make sure that your mouth is healthy in general and ready for this restoration.

Types of Dentures

one type of denture in Westhampton

Dentures are a unique restoration because they consist of a gum-colored base with prosthetic teeth attached. Below are descriptions of the three types of dentures and situations in which they are the most beneficial.

Partial Dentures

picture of partial dentures

If you still have some strong natural teeth left in your smile, chances are that you want to preserve them for as long as possible. A partial denture fills in the gaps and holds onto your remaining teeth for stability using clasps, thereby keeping your teeth in proper alignment and the denture in place.

Full Dentures

picture of full dentures

If you’ve lost all your natural teeth, full dentures can bring your smile’s function and appearance. This type of denture is held in position through natural suction with your arch. Adhesives can also be used for added stability.

Implant Dentures

diagram of implant dentures in Westhampton

As much as modern dentures have improved in recent years, they only replace the crown or visible portion of your missing teeth. In other words, they rest on top of your gums, which allows the jawbone underneath to slowly deteriorate over time. If you want your replacement teeth to have more security and to have a more robust jawbone in the long term, we can attach your dentures to implants that act just like tooth roots.

The Benefits of Dentures

couple enjoying the benefits of dentures in Westhampton

If you’ve gone any amount of time without replacement teeth, you are familiar with the difficulties of tooth loss. Annunciating and properly chewing your food become much harder without enough teeth. To hide your missing teeth from view, you may avoid smiling or drawing attention to yourself. In addition, any remaining teeth can drift out of alignment, changing your bite and causing a host of potential problems like TMJ pain and more tooth loss down the road. Dentures resolve all of these issues by enabling you to resume eating, speaking, and smiling in front of others and to feel more confident about yourself.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

man smiling after understanding the cost of dentures in Westhampton

After suffering multiple tooth loss, replacing them is not a luxury but a necessity. However, we understand that you may be concerned about the cost of treatment. At Beach Dental, we are completely transparent about pricing from the beginning so you have fewer unpleasant surprises. Your consultation is the perfect time to discuss the specific cost of dentures in Westhampton; we’ll be happy to review your replacement options and the pricing of each choice, answer any questions, and then guide you to the right solution for you!

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

piggy bank with dental instruments showing the cost of dentures in Westhampton

When we calculate the cost of your dentures, we take several factors into account. First, we consider any preliminary work, such as extraction, gum disease therapy, or implant placement. These procedures will add to the overall cost. The pricing will vary based on how many teeth you are replacing as well. When you come to your consultation, we will not only create a treatment plan designed specifically for your needs but also give you an estimate of the cost of your options so you can make the best decision for your smile.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

implant dentures in Westhampton (for the Are Implant Dentures More Expensive section)

When you only look at the upfront cost of treatment, implant dentures do cost more. However, traditional dentures require frequent replacement—about every 5 years—and that cost adds up over time! In fact, when you do the math, you may find that implant dentures are less expensive in the long run. Plus, implant dentures provide many priceless benefits, such as a stronger bite and a healthier jawbone, that make the investment well worthwhile.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

full and partial dentures (for the Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures? Section)

Although there could be some exceptions, dental insurance generally includes coverage for dentures. However, if you are getting implant dentures, it’s important to note that many do not cover the implant portion of treatment. Our team can take a deeper look into your policy to find as many ways as possible to save you money on your replacement teeth.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

patients talking about the options to make dentures affordable

Insurance isn’t the only way to cut costs when it comes to dentures. The Beach Dental Patient Loyalty Plan includes discounts on our many services, including implants and prosthetics. If the total cost of treatment is overwhelming to pay all at once, we also offer assistance in applying for financing through CareCredit, which gives you smaller monthly payments and more flexibility to pay for replacement teeth on a more affordable schedule. As a result, you can expect your dentures or implant dentures to be within your budget!

Denture FAQs

dentures for the FAQ section

An incomplete smile can be frustrating and debilitating, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have questions about this treatment. At Beach Dental, we want you to feel absolutely confident about your decision to replace missing teeth with dentures. We welcome any questions you may have; in fact, we make time for addressing your concerns during your consultation. We also have answered some of the most common questions here, which hopefully helps you make the choice to schedule an appointment with our compassionate team.

What Is the Process of Getting Dentures?

Receiving dentures is much like getting other restorations. Before we can design your denture, we may have preparatory work that needs to be done first, including gum disease therapy, tooth extraction, or implant placement. If you require preliminary procedures, you’ll need a little bit of time to heal. Afterward, we take impressions of your arches and send the impressions to our dental lab, where your custom dentures will be fabricated. Over the course of a few months, you’ll come in to our office for fittings so that we can ensure your complete comfort.

Do Implants Really Make a Difference for Dentures?

Yes, they definitely do. While regular dentures rely primarily on suction to stay in place, implant dentures are bonded to posts in the jawbone—just like real teeth! As a result, implant dentures provide more stability and strength, enabling you to eat basically whatever you like. They also tend to last quite a bit longer than traditional dentures, and they stop the jawbone loss that occurs after tooth loss. If you are looking for a more permanent solution to replace your missing teeth, you should seriously consider implant dentures. Feel free to ask us about them when you come for your consultation.

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

Each denture is created specifically for the individual patient. As a result, no two dentures are exactly the same, and dentures can have different costs associated with them. When you meet with one of our experienced dentists, they’ll put together a personalized treatment plan just for you and can then talk about the financial details. If you’re not already, you may want to consider joining our Beach Dental Plan , which includes a small discount on dentures and repairs. If you’re looking to get a ballpark estimate of how much dentures cost, click here .

What Should I Do If I Have a Broken Denture?

Although modern dentures are durable, they do not last forever. If your denture has been damaged, your first course of action should be calling our office for an emergency appointment. We’ll either repair your existing denture or provide a new one as quickly as we can to restore your smile’s function and appearance.